Supporting us to move forward

We are so grateful to God for the provision that has enabled us to build Bethesda School to what it is now. But we cannot stand still if we are to continue to help educate the pooprest and most needy children in our area. We have five main areas of need that we are trusting God for the money and resources for :

Staff salaries

One of the greatest needs that we are currently grappling with is the turnover rate of teachers. Many good teachers are not able to stay with us for long because we do not meet their salary expectations. Several of them come to work with us only as a means of waiting for an opportunity at a well-paying school.

The current school income cannot support an increase in salaries because we have huge administration costs in terms of food, school bursary, scholastic materials, and salaries. The natural thing to do would be to increase fees for the parents. But this will be so detrimental to the school because there are few parents who are able to pay. A big number of them may not be able to pay because of their economic incapacity.


The Primary section has enough classrooms and one dormitory. There is a need, however, for a second classroom block which will give us good accommodation for more children. That block will also have space for a store and a simple office as we wait for the construction of an administration block in the future.
We have only one dormitory block which is partitioned in the middle to accommodate the girls and the boys in the same block. This is not good and the District Education office demands a separation of the blocks so that the girls and the boys are housed in different blocks. This is an urgent needs for the school after the construction of the classroom block is complete.

Besides the above, we need an administration block, a school examination/events hall, and a sick bay for the children for first aid. There is also a need to buy more land to support the construction of the these buildings.


All over the world there are teachers willing to give of their time and expertise to teach in a school like ours for free through remote "e-learning" equipment. To do this we need equipment such as screens, computers and a reliable internet connection.

Introducing e-learning could help us to reduce staff costs as the loss of some teachers moving on could be filled through distance teaching. At the same time the children's outlook is broadened beyone Uganda and beyond Africa by "meeting" people from different cultures.

Non-academic subjects

For a long time, the school has not been participating in any activities besides academics. It is now a requirement for every school to start participating in music and sports to nurture the talents of the children. 

Each of the departments requires a considerable amount of finances to be invested to buy the equipment and clothing for the pupils to perform well. For sports, we need a pitch, an assortment of balls, an assortment of uniforms, boots, and several things to make the music and sports department work well.


Last but certainly not least, water water supply is a problem. Although we have a rainwater harvest system, water gets exhausted quickly because rain showers are irregular and often far between. The town water supply is not reliable and is very expensive. We need to more tanks for rainwater collection and to drill a borehole in the school if funds allow.

Bethesda Christian School is licensed by the Ugandan Ministry of Education and Sports and we have an EMIS number.


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