
The school charges a modest fee to parents to enable us to meet the administrative cost of the school. These costs include :

  • staff salaries,
  • teaching and learning materials,
  • feeding,
  • utility costs such as water and electricity, and
  • building maintenance costs among other things.

The school also offers school bursaries to a number of needy children. Below is the fee structure according to the sections.


Parents of nursery/infants section (ages 3 to 6) pay approx £32* (150,000 Uganda shillings) per term.


The primary school is from Primary One to Primary Seven (7 -  years old).

  • From Primary One to Primary Three, parents pay approx £34* (160,000 shillings).
  • Parents of pupils in Primary Four to Primary Seven pay approx £43* (200,000 shillings).

Boarding section

All pupils in the boarding section pay approx £60* (280,000 shillings) per term.


The school offers full bursaries to 17 children and partial bursaries to 26. This gives a total of 43 children on school bursaries. All the children on the school bursary qualify because of the need identified by the school. In this way, the school gives opportunity for needy and impoverished children to access quality education in a Christian environment.

The fees we have mentioned above will seem very low to Western eyes, but the poverty levels in this part of Uganda are such that many parents cannot even afford this much, which is why we offer bursaries and look forward to sponsors coming forward to support our children

* All UK equivalent figures are approximate due to exchange rate changes. The above amounts were calculated using rates current on 9th August 2023. If you wish to check the latest equivalents, got to xe.com for an easy exchange rate calculator.

Bethesda Christian School is licensed by the Ugandan Ministry of Education and Sports and we have an EMIS number.


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