Mission and values statement

Mission Statement

Vision: A God-fearing and academically competitive school

We envision staff and children who fear God and also are academically competent. One of the greatest challenges in the world is that moral decadence is destroying the fabric of society as manifested in professional misconduct and ethical failures of CEOs and even religious leaders. We believe that a good education system should instill godly character in the learners at the earliest possible age. Education should uphold Christian values without compromising academic excellence.

School Motto: With God all things are Possible

We envision that our undertaking is stupendous but we do not rely on our strength, we fully depend on the sovereign power of God whose power is unlimited. The vision also reminds the Bethesda fraternity that life issues from God and all that we do we should do to His glory and honour. In every sphere of life, God should take the most significant sway for any decisive undertaking.

Mission: To offer an appropriate Christian environment for Christian discipleship and quality learning to the children in the Karamoja Region

We endeavour to create a suitable environment that fosters Christian values of love, acceptance, tolerance, care, and excellence to enhance quality teaching and learning.

We hold that besides good structures of the school, the friendly relational environment ministers effectively both to school staff and the learners. In a hurting world, the scarcest commodity is love, care, and understanding. People want to be where they are accepted and loved. People are looking for where they can be listened to without being judged, they want to be understood and comforted. In this way, people can work well and also learn well.

Particularly in Karamoja where people are traumatized because of several conflicts ranging from environmental harshness, armed conflicts, and domestic violence, it is just prudent for adults and children to have an environment that can bring psychological therapy to their hearts and lives in general.



We value prayer which is the fuel that keeps our relationship with God and reminds us of our weaknesses and need to depend on God alone.

Time management.

We value time as a divine resource that God has generously and equally given to every human being. Proper use of time is a sign of our appreciation of this gift and evidence of good stewardship. All staff members and learners are encouraged to make good use of time.


Great skill is good but skill without good character is like a building with expensive material resting on a weak foundation. Such a building will easily collapse and will result in a great loss. Education should lay this good and firm foundation for our children so that they are able to get jobs because of their competence and sustain it with their character.


To be committed means to give your very best to what you value. To be committed is to have a clear picture of what one is to accomplish in regard to the time that a task is to be accomplished and exert considerable effort in realizing that goal. It is a situation where one works with minimal supervision, willingly without being coerced to do what he or she knows is to be done.


Professionalism is to take the correct process of doing what one is to do without compromising the quality. Since we deal with matters of children, everything done for them must be done with great care and skill to minimize damage as much as possible to the child


Although children should not be viewed as values yet they are the reason why we exist as Bethesda. We hold that everything and all things done in the School should take into consideration the good of the child. All decisions made in the school should take the interest of the child as paramount and decisive.


As a school, we view family as the smallest and yet the most important unit of societal existence. Our children come from families and therefore, whatever is done should strengthen the existence and health of a family.

Compiled by Pastor George Joel Omara, Founder and Director, Bethesda Nursery and Primary School 9th May 2023

Bethesda Christian School is licensed by the Ugandan Ministry of Education and Sports and we have an EMIS number.


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